Свежие публикации по праву ЕКПЧ, практике ЕСПЧ на английском

Общедоступные публикации в периодических изданиях:

  1. Enforced Disappearance and the European Court of Human Rights. A‘Wall of Silence’, Fact-Finding Difficulties and States as ‘Subversive Objectors’ by Helen Keller and Corina Heri. Journal of International Criminal Justice 12 (2014), pp. 735-750.
  2. Enforced Disappearance and the European Court of Human Rights’ ratione temporis Jurisdiction. A Discussion of Temporal Elements in Janowiec and Others v. Russia by Corina Heri. Journal of International Criminal Justice 12 (2014), pp. 751-768.
  3. Redress for Enforced Disappearance. Why Financial Compensation is not Enough by Sarah Fulton. Journal of International Criminal Justice 12 (2014), pp. 769-786.
  4. Marriage and same-sex couples. Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights. A short guide by Paul Johnson (отдельная публикация).

Публикации в периодических изданиях, доступные через Deepdyve (бесплатная регистрация и просмотр любой из статей в течение 5 минут каждые 24 часа без ограничений на количество просматриваемых публикаций, просмотр без ограничений — 20 долларов за 5 статей):

  1. Margin of appreciation, violation and (in)compatibility: why the ECtHR might consider using an alternative mode of adjudication by C. Zoethout. European Public Law (vol. 20, no. 2, 2014), pp. 309-330.
  2. Dialogue or disobedience? On the domestic effects of the ECHR in light of the Kamberaj decision by G. Bianco and G. Martinico. European Public Law (vol. 20, no. 3, 2014), pp. 435-450.
  3. Contemporary aspects of the promotion of democracy by the European Court of Human Rights by A. Mowbray. European Public Law (vol. 20, no. 3, 2014), pp. 469-498.

Публикации, полнотекстовые версии которых не являются общедоступными (ссылки даются на сайты соответствующих журналов):

  1. Natural Disasters, Climate Change and Non-Refoulement: What Scope for Resisting Expulsion under Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights? by Matthew Scott. International Journal of Refugee Law (vol. 26, no. 3, 2014).
  2. Pornography and the European Convention on Human Rights by Paul Johnson. Porn Studies (vol. 1, no. 3, 2014), pp. 315-336.
  3. Deconstructing ‘legal’ religion in Strasbourg by L. Peroni, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (vol. 3, no. 2, 2014), pp. 235-257.
  4. Holding on to Legalism: The Politics of Russian Litigation on Torture and Discrimination Before the European Court of Human Rights by Freek van der Vet. Social and Legal Studies (vol. 23 (3), 2014), pp. 361-381.
  5. On Religious and Cultural Equality in European Human Rights Convention Law by L. Peroni. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (vol. 32, no. 3, 2014).
  6. The Involvement of the European Court of Human Rights in the Implementation of its Judgments: Recent Developments under Article 46 ECHR by L-A. Sicilianos. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (vol. 32, no. 3, 2014).

Книга Deference in International Courts and Tribunals Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation (не общедоступна). Включает статьи:

  1. The European Court of Human Rights and standards of proof: An evidential approach toward the margin of appreciation by Mónika Ambrus.
  2. Experts in hate speech cases: Towards a higher standard of proof in Strasbourg? by Uladzislau Belavusau.